Jim Wible, 57, was named Commercial Association of REALTORS New Mexico’s “REALTOR of the Year” for 2017 – an award he said emphasizes more than just real estate. Wible, director at NAI Maestas and Ward, said the award recognizes real estate professionals that are active in their community and want to give back.
He found out he had won during CARNM’s annual meeting, saying he felt honored and surprised.
Wible has been a real estate professional for over a decade, starting a career two years before the Great Recession struck – something he says wasn’t necessarily easy but noting there isn’t ever an easy time.
He shared with Albuquerque Business First about his passions, background and advice to other professionals.
What is some community work you are passionate about or involved in?
Commercial real estate is my second career. My first career was in engineering and I actually ended up in Albuquerque working in Intel’s factories and doing engineering work for Intel for 15 years on this site. While I was there, United Way was a really big benefactor of Intel. There were people that I had met through that activity, becoming networked through that.
We’ve always had some type of activity me and my wife are involved in.
A lot of the work I try to do is economic development related where we try to grow the pie. Everyone is better off if we are growing the pie and everyone is anxious to support those types of efforts.
How long have you been in the real estate industry and what sparked the shift, wanting to go from Intel to real estate?
I first started in 2006, left Intel in 2005. I started in 2006 as an occupation and in 2000 as a hobby, as an investor.
I looked at the amount of time, the age my kids were at the time and was probably looking for more flexibility in my schedule. There’s a number of factors but all of those played a part. Loving Albuquerque was a part as well, choosing to live here and not wanting to relocate to other places.
What do you love about Albuquerque?
There’s a lot to love about Albuquerque. We have probably the country’s best weather. We still get four seasons but none of them are extreme. I grew up near Chicago. Winter there was long. I understand winter and I like the one we have here a lot better than the one I had there.
What’s some advice you would give to someone just starting out?
Pay attention to detail. You’ll learn something new every day. Treat everyone you meet with a great deal of respect because you’ll work with them for quite some time.
What’s something people don’t really know about you?
I like to water ski, snow ski and snowboard. I like to ride my bike. I like to camp. There are just so many outdoor activities you can do in New Mexico; that’s why I like it here.
By: Shelby Perea (ABQ Business First)
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