July 11, 2013
7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Participate in this NAIOP event, which CARNM is co-hosting. Learn what the ordinance requires and what it will cost you in the short and long term. Speakers are from the real estate industry as well as the City of Albuquerque.
7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Participate in this NAIOP event, which CARNM is co-hosting. Learn what the ordinance requires and what it will cost you in the short and long term. Speakers are from the real estate industry as well as the City of Albuquerque.
Location: Albuquerque Marriott (I-40 & Louisiana)
Cost: $25
Register: www.naiopnm.org or (505)345-6976
See Flyer
Information about the ordinance:
On August 5th the ABQ City Council will vote on a new drainage ordinance for new construction and remodels. It was developed to be in compliance with the City’s new MS4 permit from the EPA. MS4 is a federal permit that requires a storm water management plan which reduces pollution to rivers, etc.
It is the industry’s belief that the City’s MS4 permit, which was mandated by the EPA, exceeds the Clean Water Act, so we have been working to develop a drainage ordinance that is not overly costly nor require excessive regulation. However, not many eyes have been on this final version, and we need you to look this over or have your technical people review it. This is our opportunity to make changes and/or ask questions.