We must act now! We ask that you join us and encourage your customers, clients, and colleagues to be there as well. This will be the last opportunity to postpone the vote and allow our voice to be heard with the Councilors.
The Bernalillo County Commission undermines democracy when it ignores the will of the voters. In a representative democracy, our elected officials are supposed to represent us. However, when the voters speak directly through a ballot measure, they have taken democracy in their own hands. Now a few members of the county commission have decided to undermine the voters who recently voted down a job killing sick leave ordinance and instead are trying to ram the measure through at the county level without even reaching out to impacted businesses or conducting a bona fide economic impact analysis. Learn more here.
We need your help to contact Bernalillo County commissioners. The Bernalillo County Commission has proposed a mandatory sick leave ordinance that will negatively impact small businesses, including industrial, warehouse, and manufacturing. TAKE ACTION HERE.
Help CARNM support and protect small businesses by emailing commissioners to oppose the Bernalillo County Paid Sick Leave Ordinance!
Read the OPED here.
Read the legislation here.
Read Albuquerque Journal article here.