Dear Albuquerque Citizens,
The Albuquerque Progress Report (APR) is issued every two years and shows Albuquerque’s progress toward reaching a set of long-term goals, established with the input of its residents.
Since 1995, our residents have convened every four years to determine and define Albuquerque’s goals. The goals are categorized into eight areas, and each goal is further clarified through positive statements called desired community conditions.
As you know, having goals is important in life. Yet, how do we know if we’re reaching our goals? To answer this question, your Mayor and City Councilors have jointly appointed a citizen group called the Indicators Progress Commission (IPC). Our job is to measure how well Albuquerque is progressing toward its goals, by designing and reporting on indicators that tell us how close we are to achieving each desired community condition.
The report highlights key indicators of progress. In measuring progress, Albuquerque’s latest data is important, but it’s helpful to see the community’s trend over time and how Albuquerque compares to regional peer communities and to the nation at large. The IPC has summarized this information – by goal – with a scorecard. This report can also be viewed online at
Keep in mind , the APR measures community-wide progress. While the City of Albuquerque is a primary stakeholder, there are additional stakeholders involved in achieving our eight strategic goals, including schools, universities, health care providers, businesses, other governmental agencies, non-profits and individuals.
Data is an important component of our daily decision making process. In the spirit of transparency and openness, we’ve communicated to you not only those areas where Albuquerque’s trend is desirable, but also where it’s undesirable. If you see areas that ned better indicators, or if you have ideas to improve Albuquerque’s progress toward achieving its goals, please contact us at
Albuquerque Indicators Progress Commission
Mike Gannon
Ruben Garcia
Elvira Lopez
Ari Macpherson Herring
Sheila Moore
Dawn Reed
Karen Ross
Frank Roth
Patricia Selcher
Sherrie Trezza
Click here to view full report.
By: The Indicators Progress Commission (City of Albuquerque)
Click here to view source website.