RANM needs your help! We need you to send word to your Representative in the New Mexico House that they need to vote YES on HB380.
HB380, a bill that amends the Homeowners Association (HOA) Act, is on the House agenda and pending a full vote of the membership. It already has cleared two House committees in which it received a unanimous “Do Pass”. Click here to view the bill.
HB380 caps the amount an HOA can charge for the disclosure documents and reduces the amount of documents an HOA must produce. This is a consumer-friendly bill and is a RANM priority.
To contact your Legislator click here and it will take you to a pre-written email that will go directly to your Representative.
Advocacy is an important part of our business and we ask that you take action immediately. Thank you!
Carl Grending
2015 CARNM President
HB380 caps the amount an HOA can charge for the disclosure documents and reduces the amount of documents an HOA must produce. This is a consumer-friendly bill and is a RANM priority.
To contact your Legislator click here and it will take you to a pre-written email that will go directly to your Representative.
Advocacy is an important part of our business and we ask that you take action immediately. Thank you!
Carl Grending
2015 CARNM President