An international contract customer center in Rio Rancho announced Tuesday plans to add 250 jobs in the next few months.
Convergys, located on Zenith Court near Alliance Data Services, made the announcement at a news conference. Among those attending were Gov. Susana Martinez, Mayor Gregg Hull and other government officials, including Sandoval County Commissioners Don Chapman and Glenn Walters.
Jami Grindatto, president and CEO of the Sandoval Economic Alliance, said the company will grow by 250 jobs. It now has 600 employees at the site, formerly Stream Global Services.
Convergys, which acquired Stream Global last year, has clients in communications, retail, health care, financial services and government, providing technical support and customer service.
Grindatto said the company plans to make the new hires by the end of the third quarter this year. Convergys has no plans to expand the building, and is instead “reworking” the inside of thefacility to accommodate the new hires, he said..
He said the alliance, formed last year to attract new industry and jobs to the county area, has worked to help Convergys find hiring agencies for the past six weeks.
Randy Johns, Convergys vice president of operations, credited the governor for her work attracting business to the state.
“A global employer of over 125,000 employees, Convergys does have choices where we locate,” he said. “… The state of New Mexico, under Gov. Martinez’s leadership, has made it extremely attractive for Convergys to conduct business here.”
Martinez thanked the current employees at the call center and the people of Rio Rancho for their work as employees and community members.
“I want to thank Rio Rancho for making it such a wonderful place to live and work,” she said. “Just recently, in the face of tragedy, the people of Rio Rancho had come together when their neighbors really needed it most. That is what we call a community; that is the true definition of a community.”
Hull thanked Convergys representatives for staying and expanding in Rio Rancho.
“As a pro-business city, we in Rio Rancho in municipal government stand ready to assist you in any way we can in related to your forthcoming expansion and any other expansions you want to do here in Rio Rancho,” he said.
By: Antonio Sanchez (Rio Rancho Observer)
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