NAR’s Commercial Connections is focused on how young professionals are finding success in the commercial industry, along with an overview of a new research publication available to you.
Heard the Odd Senior-Sector Finance Tale?
The over-85 segment of the population is growing at three times the rest of the population. But are you aware of the odd story of financing in this growing sector? Get the details from this post on NAR’S The Source blog.
Change to SEC Rule May Unleash Capital
Raising capital by offering securities for commercial transactions is highly regulated. However, changes are afoot that might provide ways forward for property deals that would otherwise be held up for lack of access to capital markets. Learn about U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 506, and recent changes to it, on NAR’s The Source blog.
Job Creation Forecast to Lift Commercial
Most major commercial real estate sectors are improving and are easily absorbing the relatively small amount of new space that is becoming available, according to NAR’s Commercial Real Estate Outlook, a quarterly commercial real estate forecast. Read more…