Shelly Branscom CCIM2023Greg Leach SIOR2023Shelly Branscom, CCIM2023Tim MacEachen, CCIM, SIOR2022Kendra Yevoli, RCE2022Tim MacEachen, CCIM, SIOR2021Greg Leach SIOR2021Ray Regan CCIM, CIPS2021Clay Azar, CCIM2021Nathan Brooks, RCEExecutive DirectorProfessional Standards Administrator George Smith, RCEOperations ManagerProfessional Standards Administrator Rebecca FarwellExecutive Assistant: Governance & Education Ty Robeck2020Debbie Dupes, CCIM2018Todd Clarke, CCIM2017Jim Wible, CCIM2017Keith Meyer, CCIM, SIOR2017Carl Grending, CCIM2017John Lewinger2016Tim House2015Tim MacEachen, CCIM, SIOR2015Rich Diller, CCIM, SIOR2019Todd Clarke, CCIM2019Walt Arnold, CCIM, SIOR2019Dan Hernandez2018Distinguished Service AwardVic Bruno2017William N. (Bill) Campbell III, CCIM2015Joe Farr, CCIM2020Mike Leach, SIOR2019Debbie Dupes, CCIM2018Jim Wible, CCIM2017Jim Smith, CCIM, SIOR2016Debbie Harms CCIM, SIOR, CPM2015Dan Newman2014Dave Hill, CCIM, SIOR2013Brian Anderson, CCIM2012Tim With, CCIM2011Lia Petty Armstrong, CCIM2010Jane Pilger, CCIM2009Barbara K. Morgan2008Karen Hudson2007Richard Hanna, CCIM2005Jim Cynoweth2004Chuck Gara2003John M. Henderson III2002Terri Dettweiler2001Trudy Jones2000Vic Bruno1999Walt Arnold, CCIM, SIOR1998Rich Diller, CCIM, SIOR1997Debbie Dupes CCIM2022Todd Clarke, CCIM1996Clay Azar, CCIM2020-2021Sean McMullan, CCIM2019Ed Anlian, CCIM2018Marguerite Haverly2017Jim Wible, CCIM2016Carl Grending, CCIM2015Tom Franchini, CCIM2014Dan Newman2013Jim Smith, CCIM, SIOR2012Dave Hill, CCIM2011Debbie Harms, CCI, SIOR, CPM2010Dan Hernandez2009Brian Anderson, CCIM2008Tim House2007Barbara Morgan2006Jane Pilger, CCIM2005Richard Hanna, CCIM2004Dave Vincioni2003Trudy Jones2002Jim Chynoweth2001Terri Dettweiler2000Linda Hartley1999Walt Arnold, CCIM, SIOR1998Vic Bruno1997Todd Clarke, CCIM1995-1996Greg Leach SIORPresidentSycamore Associates, LLCIsaac Romero CCIMPresident-ElecteXp Commercial LLCDJ Brigman CCIMVice President, Golf & CCIM Liaison NAI Sun Vista Debbie Dupes CCIMSecretary & HistorianCBRE, Inc.Riley McKee CCIMTreasurerNAI SunVistaShelly Branscom CCIMPast President NAI SunVistaAmanda Velarde CCIMDirector & EducationTamaya VenturesClay Azar CCIMDirector & CARNM District VP, NMARKW CommercialBen Nolte CCIMDirector & Non Dues RevenueAllen Sigmon Real Estate GroupRay Regan CCIM, CIPSDirector & GovernanceeXp Commercial LLC. Jorge LopezSPONSOR LIAISONFidelity National Title of New MexicoTeresa ManzanaresCo-Sponsor LiaisonFirst American TitleTai Alley CCIMCIE ChairBerger Briggs Real Estate & InsElisa Cardenas CCIMLIN ChairColliersKelle Senye CPM, ARMIREM LiaisonGreater Albuquerque Housing PartnershipDave Hill CCIM, SIORSIOR LiaisonNAI SunVistaShelly Branscom CCIM2023Greg Leach SIOR2023Shelly Branscom, CCIM2023Tim MacEachen, CCIM, SIOR2022Kendra Yevoli, RCE2022Tim MacEachen, CCIM, SIOR2021Greg Leach SIOR2021Ray Regan CCIM, CIPS2021Clay Azar, CCIM2021Nathan Brooks, RCEExecutive DirectorProfessional Standards Administrator George Smith, RCEOperations ManagerProfessional Standards Administrator Rebecca FarwellExecutive Assistant: Governance & Education Ty Robeck2020Debbie Dupes, CCIM2018Todd Clarke, CCIM2017Jim Wible, CCIM2017Keith Meyer, CCIM, SIOR2017Carl Grending, CCIM2017John Lewinger2016Tim House2015Tim MacEachen, CCIM, SIOR2015Rich Diller, CCIM, SIOR2019Todd Clarke, CCIM2019Walt Arnold, CCIM, SIOR2019Dan Hernandez2018Distinguished Service AwardVic Bruno2017William N. (Bill) Campbell III, CCIM2015Joe Farr, CCIM2020Mike Leach, SIOR2019Debbie Dupes, CCIM2018Jim Wible, CCIM2017Jim Smith, CCIM, SIOR2016Debbie Harms CCIM, SIOR, CPM2015Dan Newman2014Dave Hill, CCIM, SIOR2013Brian Anderson, CCIM2012Tim With, CCIM2011Lia Petty Armstrong, CCIM2010Jane Pilger, CCIM2009Barbara K. Morgan2008Karen Hudson2007Richard Hanna, CCIM2005Jim Cynoweth2004Chuck Gara2003John M. Henderson III2002Terri Dettweiler2001Trudy Jones2000Vic Bruno1999Walt Arnold, CCIM, SIOR1998Rich Diller, CCIM, SIOR1997Debbie Dupes CCIM2022Todd Clarke, CCIM1996Clay Azar, CCIM2020-2021Sean McMullan, CCIM2019Ed Anlian, CCIM2018Marguerite Haverly2017Jim Wible, CCIM2016Carl Grending, CCIM2015Tom Franchini, CCIM2014Dan Newman2013Jim Smith, CCIM, SIOR2012Dave Hill, CCIM2011Debbie Harms, CCI, SIOR, CPM2010Dan Hernandez2009Brian Anderson, CCIM2008Tim House2007Barbara Morgan2006Jane Pilger, CCIM2005Richard Hanna, CCIM2004Dave Vincioni2003Trudy Jones2002Jim Chynoweth2001Terri Dettweiler2000Linda Hartley1999Walt Arnold, CCIM, SIOR1998Vic Bruno1997Todd Clarke, CCIM1995-1996Greg Leach SIORPresidentSycamore Associates, LLCIsaac Romero CCIMPresident-ElecteXp Commercial LLCDJ Brigman CCIMVice President, Golf & CCIM Liaison NAI Sun Vista Debbie Dupes CCIMSecretary & HistorianCBRE, Inc.Riley McKee CCIMTreasurerNAI SunVistaShelly Branscom CCIMPast President NAI SunVistaAmanda Velarde CCIMDirector & EducationTamaya VenturesClay Azar CCIMDirector & CARNM District VP, NMARKW CommercialBen Nolte CCIMDirector & Non Dues RevenueAllen Sigmon Real Estate GroupRay Regan CCIM, CIPSDirector & GovernanceeXp Commercial LLC. Jorge LopezSPONSOR LIAISONFidelity National Title of New MexicoTeresa ManzanaresCo-Sponsor LiaisonFirst American TitleTai Alley CCIMCIE ChairBerger Briggs Real Estate & InsElisa Cardenas CCIMLIN ChairColliersKelle Senye CPM, ARMIREM LiaisonGreater Albuquerque Housing PartnershipDave Hill CCIM, SIORSIOR LiaisonNAI SunVista